Delicious, comforting and kind. Quick to make too.
Set the oven to 180C.
Set the potatoes to boil in salted water. Chopped = cook quicker. There needs to be enough to cover the whole dish, so too many is better than too few. Fry an onion (optional) with a packet of vegan mince. You can guesstimate how much you need by size of the oven dish you’ll be using. Chop up at least two carrots into small bits and add to the pan. Next add your peas, as much as you like, followed by a small handful or so of chopped/torn sage, fresh ideally. This really lifts the dish. Rosemary works, too. Optional secret ingredient: jiggle in some vegan Worcester sauce. As they’re all frying, add a teaspoonful of bouillon powder to about half a measuring jug of boiled water to make a gravy. Stir in a teaspoonful or two of Marmite to add flavour. Pour the liquid into the pan until that there’s a nice wetness to the mince (without this it all dries up when in oven and can become unpleasant to eat) - a visible gravy. Tip: Best to add too much than too little as it will part evaporate while in the oven. When the potatoes have been boiled and drained, add generous lobs of vegan 'butter.' Taste it to see. Then mash it, or use a hand blender, until irresistibly creamy. Pour the mince into an oven dish. Smooth over the mash, then place in the oven for about 30 minutes or until top is a nice golden brown. |