Next time you find yourself belly laughing, notice how you don’t have any thoughts… Nature is very precise; be tickled pink. Or think. You can’t do both.
In knee-slapping, tear-wiping laughter, the thinking mind disappears. Howling is neither part of mind or the heart but comes from somewhere beautiful beyond the two; your core, your being. Only man can laugh; no other species.
So laugh! Laugh like a loon as often as you can and you may, by and by, move into meditation. Seriousness will loosen its grip on you. Its fatal disease will start retreating from your core. Seriousness kills creativity, innocence, passion, potential, wisdom, joy…
If you can find something funny, if you can let in the light of humour in even the darkest place, then you’re free.
Laughter is music to God’s ears
“If you are possessed by laughter, thinking stops. And if you know a few moments of no-mind, those glimpses will promise you many more rewards that are going to come.
You just have to become more and more of the sort, of the quality, of no-mind. More and more, thinking has to be dropped. Laughter can be a beautiful introduction to a non-thinking state.” Osho
In knee-slapping, tear-wiping laughter, the thinking mind disappears. Howling is neither part of mind or the heart but comes from somewhere beautiful beyond the two; your core, your being. Only man can laugh; no other species.
So laugh! Laugh like a loon as often as you can and you may, by and by, move into meditation. Seriousness will loosen its grip on you. Its fatal disease will start retreating from your core. Seriousness kills creativity, innocence, passion, potential, wisdom, joy…
If you can find something funny, if you can let in the light of humour in even the darkest place, then you’re free.
Laughter is music to God’s ears
“If you are possessed by laughter, thinking stops. And if you know a few moments of no-mind, those glimpses will promise you many more rewards that are going to come.
You just have to become more and more of the sort, of the quality, of no-mind. More and more, thinking has to be dropped. Laughter can be a beautiful introduction to a non-thinking state.” Osho