You didn't eat fish (or any flesh). It was seaweed. You were a fisher of men! All those ready to be good and follow Your Holy Path Home.
Whenever two or more people who Love you meet, You are there with us. Bless God!
When on earth, you came to England – Jericho Valley in Cornwall. You spent time in other countries too.
You are eternal and limitless and can come to us at any time, in any way, including in dreams, prompts or through books, animals, a glance, a smile, a word...
One of the most memorable times, for me, was suddenly and with unstoppable force when I was meditating deeply, alone, in the little round meditation hut at Osho Risk, a spiritual retreat in rural Denmark. WHOOSH! A very powerful, unmistakably divine, masculine energy – the exact likes of which I've not experienced before or since – came rushing down over and through me with such tender force that I had no choice but to surrender to Great Love's embrace. It was Love and it was You! Positivity brings us closer to You. All thoughts, words and actions from our Higher Self do, because they're in harmony with Divine Will.
You are sweet, kind, loving, merciful, generous, all-seeing, compassionate, funny, fun, simple, wise, humble, faithful, unstoppable, mighty, eternal, limitless, surprising, 'down to earth', inspiring, edifying, healing, pure, ageless, direct, humbling, exceptional, supreme, magnificent, GREAT! Thank you God!
You are our Joy! All Joy! Real, limitless, all-powerful joy that can change worlds in an instant.
You love and are obedient to your Heavenly Parents. While on earth this didn't mean you didn't have other feelings and emotions. You very much did, including anger at those who transgressed God's Laws, and disappointment at those who let you down, like your disciples falling asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane, where you asked them to pray with you. You made the ultimate sacrifice, being the ultimate manifest example of love – you laid down your life for God. To make it Home, to BE love, we are called to follow Your Way and sacrifice our selfish ways at the feet of compassion for all beings. Thank You God and Yeshua.
You came to separate the wheat from the chaff; good from evil. You had thousands of disciples, and 3.5 years to train them. Most failed, but the ones that made it became the apostles, Your earthly team, who spread Your teachings after Your ascension.
August 2024