i hadn't planNED to make a difference.

I wrote a blog because I was inspired. I posted meditation tips, interspersed withenlightening experiences that helped me be more in harmony with life. If the understanding was helpful to me, chances are it would be to someone else.
It wasn’t a thing I did religiously. And I don’t recall why I stopped writing, though it’s likely to be not long after September 2010 when I was catapulted on the spiritual path and turned my life inside out.
Anyway, I stopped blogging. That channel of self-expression dried up. I changed my website platform and mislaid most of the content along the way. That would have been three years ago.
During that time, a memory has visited me – nudged me – now and again, gently tapping me on the shoulder, as if to say: “Don’t forget. There’s a gift here.”
About four years ago, the soft-spoken husband of a friend, both who lived in Marbella at the time – revealed that he read my blog. As did several of his non-native-English speaking friends. I was amazed.
We were walking down a central London street at the time, giddy with wine and the energy of old souls celebrating. His words – a mellifluous flow that touched my soul – are lost. But the essence stays with me, faithful to their source – the same source of me and you: “Please keep writing.”
I’ve wanted to. I’ve written some ideas down. But it’s not until today, a Supermoon, four days into my 39th year, seven month's after my father's sudden passing, that inspiration is saddled between my mental legs, heading in the direction of Creativity. And I’m grateful. It feels like a dormant part of me is waking up again, blinking in the morning sun.
Never ignore your little niggle, folks. Listen to it. Even if it takes years to act on it. Just keep listening. There’s gold in it. Otherwise it wouldn’t keep trying to get your attention.
I dedicate this post to you, G. Forgive me for the hiatus… I’ve tried several times to get in touch to wish you well. I hope these words find you: thank you for being a divine messenger.
It wasn’t a thing I did religiously. And I don’t recall why I stopped writing, though it’s likely to be not long after September 2010 when I was catapulted on the spiritual path and turned my life inside out.
Anyway, I stopped blogging. That channel of self-expression dried up. I changed my website platform and mislaid most of the content along the way. That would have been three years ago.
During that time, a memory has visited me – nudged me – now and again, gently tapping me on the shoulder, as if to say: “Don’t forget. There’s a gift here.”
About four years ago, the soft-spoken husband of a friend, both who lived in Marbella at the time – revealed that he read my blog. As did several of his non-native-English speaking friends. I was amazed.
We were walking down a central London street at the time, giddy with wine and the energy of old souls celebrating. His words – a mellifluous flow that touched my soul – are lost. But the essence stays with me, faithful to their source – the same source of me and you: “Please keep writing.”
I’ve wanted to. I’ve written some ideas down. But it’s not until today, a Supermoon, four days into my 39th year, seven month's after my father's sudden passing, that inspiration is saddled between my mental legs, heading in the direction of Creativity. And I’m grateful. It feels like a dormant part of me is waking up again, blinking in the morning sun.
Never ignore your little niggle, folks. Listen to it. Even if it takes years to act on it. Just keep listening. There’s gold in it. Otherwise it wouldn’t keep trying to get your attention.
I dedicate this post to you, G. Forgive me for the hiatus… I’ve tried several times to get in touch to wish you well. I hope these words find you: thank you for being a divine messenger.